Let’s delve into a little more detail about the difference and how this benefits the consumer.

Anti-Bacterial is a treatment applied to a part, or all of the product, with the intention of resisting growth and proliferation of bacteria. Bacterial growth on products, is known to compromise hygiene, cause discoloration and more prominently give off bad odour!
In most cases, Anti-Bacterial treatment is applied to provide longer lasting freshness and prolong the use of the treated article.

Anti-Dust Mite is a treatment applied to a part, or all of the product with the intention of resisting house dust mite colonies from forming. House dust mites are microscopic insects, that feed off our shed dead skin and are known to trigger a range of common allergies such as asthma and eczema.

By the way, its reported, after 2 years of use, about 1/3 of a pillows weight consists of dead skin cells, dead and live dust mites and dust mite dropping! YUK

So why does the Kmart – ANKO Allergy Sensitive Pillow stand out as the ultimate protection? The HealthGuard® treatment is providing the best of both microscopic worlds, with both outer cover and fibre fill treated with HealthGuard® Anti-Dust Mite and Anti-Bacterial protection. The verified buyer reviews about the allergy relief say it all! LINK

So why do we love to see HealthGuard® Anti-Dust Mite and Anti-Bacterial treatment on a product like this? Ask yourself, how many times a year do you wash your full pillow, mattress protector or duvet… IF EVER?

Sorry to tell you, but even though you might think look like sleeping beauty, there’s every chance you dribble during the night, which soaks through your pillow cover… Not to mention the sweat and fats excreted from our skin that gathers within the weave and fibres of the textiles… You could be sleeping on a living biomass if you don’t choose the right pillow!

HealthGuard® Anti-Dust Mite and Anti-Bacterial treatment is ideal for products that cannot, or are not frequently laundered. When you want to provide your customer the ULTIMATE protection, that’s withstood the test of time, with a 25+ year impeccable safety record, the answers in the name: HealthGuard®.