Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. We are stepping up our drum recycling initiative and we are so pleased to see our local customers supporting it! We have always been a fan of using re-conditioned drums, because it reduces: Plastic manufacturing; Energy consumption; Plastic...
Beautiful fungus!

Beautiful fungus!

When discussing fungus in the preventative biotech treatment world, we aim for the resistance of fungal growth! But a recent trip with the team to Wilsons Promontory reminded us that fungus can be beautiful and plays an essential role in various ecosystems. We wanted...
Alcohol free!

Alcohol free!

So you clicked and thought we are offering free alcohol… Unfortunately for some, we are sorry to disappoint, but it’s not the case! At HealthGuard® we think and do things differently. We stand out as one of the only non heavy metal base anti-microbial suppliers, which...