HOW TO AVOID A COUNTERFEIT CATASTROPHE Australian shoppers are advised to exercise caution after several websites were exposed for selling counterfeit Chinese ugg boots. The products, that carried a fake Australian Made Trademark also claimed to be made using genuine...
3 TIPS TO HELP YOU BUY THE PERFECT MATTRESS Mushrooms belong in a field, on the shelf in a supermarket or even in a risotto. Where they don’t belong is in your bathroom! Melbourne renter Ebony Rehannon found this out the hard way when her rental house turned into a...
3 TIPS TO HELP YOU BUY THE PERFECT MATTRESS You would think picking a new mattress is easy right? You go into the store, lie on a few mattresses and purchase the perfect one. Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple. On average people will sleep on their...
JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS – THE UNLUCKY ONE IN A MILLION ARE YOU RISKING JAPANESE ENCEPHALITIS? In the past couple of weeks, many Australian states have experienced sub-zero temperatures. Scared off by the chill, Aussies flee the country in search of some sunshine....