Let’s delve into a little more detail about the difference and how this benefits the consumer. Anti-Bacterial is a treatment applied to a part, or all of the product, with the intention of resisting growth and proliferation of bacteria. Bacterial growth on products,...
“HEALTHGUARD®” The brand name which does what it says. One of the first thing when establishing a business, is to come up with a business, or brand name. ‘Brand name’ can be broadly described as a “word, name, symbol, used by a manufacturer or merchant to identify its...
We are delighted to share with you the podcast “Game-changing Flooring for Health in Senior Environments” at the invite of ThirdvAgevDesign for the MGUARD+ project, in collaboration with leading innovators Milliken ANZ. This project is certainly...
“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Our answer is, YES! We liken this to a product treated with HealthGuard® without a claim! HealthGuard® benefits exist without being perceived by the consciousness. In the realm of...
Imagine… You are working in a quality assurance team, reviewing a product for a retailer which demands a high performance anti-bacterial. You just received your test results from the microbiological laboratory and you note a >99.99% log reduction against tested...